He has authored two books; the best-selling, and AIA award
winner, Architecture in Watercolor, and The Art of Architectural Drawing. He is
increasingly in demand internationally to conduct his watercolor workshop
series, “The Architecture of Light”.
His work
has been accepted into many recent prestigious international exhibitions
including the “147th Exhibition of the American Watercolor Society“, New York
City; the “Gold Medal Exhibition of the California Art Club”, Los Angeles; the
National Watercolor Society group at “Eau en Couleurs”, Belgium; the “Shenzhen
Watercolor Biennial”,China; the “Zhujiajiao International Watercolor
Biennial”,Shanghai: "International Art-Bridge Watercolor Competition, St.
Petersberg; and The "World Watermedia Invitational Exposition";
A Signature
Member of the AWS, and the NWWS, Tom was recently elected Artist Member of the
California Art Club, and is an active member of many professional arts
organizations. He is a founding member of the group; North American Watercolor
Steps of Rocamadour, watercolor, 76 x 56 cm
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